
St Luke’s, Burton Stone Lane is an inclusive Church of England just north of York City Centre.

We serve a parish of about 5,500 souls about a mile north of York Minster; standing on the corner of Burton Stone Lane and Shipton Street, St Luke’s has been home to warm, welcoming and worshipping Christian community for over a hundred years.

We meet to worship God every Sunday and have a vibrant programme of events during the week; St Luke’s sees weddings, Christenings and funerals throughout the year, and our Church Hall is a busy hub for church and community social events.

Group of St Luke's people having lunch

During term-time, we offer a range of children’s and young people’s activities mostly on a Friday evening. We welcome new members to choirs for young people and the young-at-heart, and our Tuesday Club for senior citizens meets every week.

St Luke’s is committed to growing in Christlikeness, influence and numbers; to welcome all, to work to safeguard God’s creation, and to promote justice in the world.

See you soon…

Current Covid situation

We are consciously aware that Covid is still present in our communities and, therefore, we encourage people to wear face coverings while in church if you wish to do so.

Communion is currently by either by common cup (sipping the wine) or intinction (dipping the wafer/bread into the wine). To dip the bread, please go to the left of the altar rail; to sip the common cup, go to the right. If you wish to receive a blessing or the bread only, please indicate this to the priest when you come forward. The choir/musicians take communion at the altar rail first, and then each row will be invited for communion by a warden or sidesperson.

About Us

  • We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We are a Christian family of people who worship and serve God in the Burton Stone Lane area of York.
  • We are a praying community, committed to caring for each other and those in our community, and sharing God’s love with everyone.
  • As a registered Inclusive Church, we welcome, celebrate and affirm everyone regardless of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity or sexuality.
  • We are committed to serving our local community; we run ‘Joyful Connections‘ (a weekly Community Café), and work with local schools and businesses.
  • As an Eco Church Silver Award holder, we aim to live simply, responsibly and sustainably in order to care for God’s creation.
  • As part of our commitment to justice we are a Fairtrade Church and sell a range of fairly traded goods at our ‘Joyful Connections‘ Café and sometimes after our Sunday morning worship.
  • We celebrate the creative arts using music and drama in our worship and at other events during the year.
  • We support each other on our faith journey with opportunities for growing, learning, listening and quiet meditative prayer.


We’d love you to get married at St Luke’s.

Although the outside of St Luke’s doesn’t win many prizes, step inside and you’ll be surprised by the bright airy and spacious body of the church and the beautiful chancel area around the altar – the backdrop to many wedding photos.

When you get married at St Luke’s, most of the service takes place at the chancel step, just in front of where family and friends will be sitting.

You’re welcome to marry here if either of you live or grew up in St Luke’s parish, or if you worship regularly at St Luke’s, or if your parents live or lived here, or if they are or were members of St Luke’s – in fact there are lots of ways people can be able to get married here.

You can get in touch and we’d be delighted to show you round and talk about how your wedding would take place in St Luke’s.

We’ll arrange to meet up, give you the information you need, help you with the form-filling stuff and spend some time making the service personal to you both.

  • If you live in the parish but are having a church wedding somewhere else, you will still need to have your banns read in St Luke’s as well as in the church where you are marrying. We have to do this at least three weeks before your wedding so make sure you don’t leave it too late! Contact us any time about this and we will arrange it for you.
  • You can find out much more about marrying in the Church of England, including about fees, online at Your Church Wedding.

Christenings – or Baptisms

We love baptisms and Christenings (they’re the same thing) at St Luke’s.

Whether you’re nine minutes, nine months or ninety-nine years old (or more), God welcomes you into the family of Jesus Christ and so do we (we’ve baptised people at all ages).

Being baptised is being welcomed into the family of God and the Church, and it can happen at any age – some people’s grownups decide for them, and other people decide for themselves once they’re old enough.

Once you’re baptised you can go on to receive Holy Communion and to be Confirmed; talk to us about this and about how we prepare people to take these steps.

If you have a connection with St Luke’s or if you live in the parish we’d love to hear from you – come along to any service, or any of our regular weekly activities, or get in touch any way you like, and we’ll get you all the information you need.