St Luke’s, Burton Stone Lane is an inclusive Church of England just north of York City Centre.
We serve a parish of about 5,500 souls about a mile north of York Minster; standing on the corner of Burton Stone Lane and Shipton Street, St Luke’s has been home to warm, welcoming and worshipping Christian community for over a hundred years.
We meet to worship God every Sunday and have a vibrant programme of events during the week; St Luke’s sees weddings, Christenings and funerals throughout the year, and our Church Hall is a busy hub for church and community social events.

During term-time, we offer a range of children’s and young people’s activities mostly on a Friday evening. We welcome new members to choirs for young people and the young-at-heart, and our Tuesday Club for senior citizens meets every week.
St Luke’s is committed to growing in Christlikeness, influence and numbers; to welcome all, to work to safeguard God’s creation, and to promote justice in the world.
See you soon…

Current Covid situation
We are consciously aware that Covid is still present in our communities and, therefore, we encourage people to wear face coverings while in church if you wish to do so.
Communion is currently by either by common cup (sipping the wine) or intinction (dipping the wafer/bread into the wine). To dip the bread, please go to the left of the altar rail; to sip the common cup, go to the right. If you wish to receive a blessing or the bread only, please indicate this to the priest when you come forward. The choir/musicians take communion at the altar rail first, and then each row will be invited for communion by a warden or sidesperson.