About Us

  • We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We are a Christian family of people who worship and serve God in the Burton Stone Lane area of York.
  • We are a praying community, committed to caring for each other and those in our community, and sharing God’s love with everyone.
  • As a registered Inclusive Church, we welcome, celebrate and affirm everyone regardless of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity or sexuality.
  • We are committed to serving our local community; we run ‘Joyful Connections‘ (a weekly Community Café), and work with local schools and businesses.
  • As an Eco Church Silver Award holder, we aim to live simply, responsibly and sustainably in order to care for God’s creation.
  • As part of our commitment to justice we are a Fairtrade Church and sell a range of fairly traded goods at our ‘Joyful Connections‘ Café and sometimes after our Sunday morning worship.
  • We celebrate the creative arts using music and drama in our worship and at other events during the year.
  • We support each other on our faith journey with opportunities for growing, learning, listening and quiet meditative prayer.
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