Praying the Daily Office

Priests and many other members of the Church of England say the “Daily Office” of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer.

At St Luke’s, Morning Prayer is usually said in church at 7:30am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, although this is currently suspended while we don’t have a vicar.

Some people say the Office on their own or with a friend, at home or at work.

You may find these short Offices a good way to begin and end the day by reflecting on God’s Kingdom and the different view on life’s events that this brings.

Click the links below for today’s and tomorrow’s Morning and Evening Prayer from the Church of England’s Common Worship.

Today’s Morning Prayer Today’s Evening Prayer
Tomorrow’s Morning PrayerTomorrow’s Evening Prayer

Daily Prayer provided by the official Church of England website,
© The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England, 2002-2004.

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